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Beautiful World, a series of monotypes by Cara Luneau

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

NoBo First Friday, September 6, 2019, 6:00 - 8:30


4949 N. Broadway, Suite 101A, Boulder, CO

As you may know, the state of Oregon is blessed with a dramatic coastline - roaring surf, wind, and frequent rain. I find it exhilarating to spend time there, witness to the drama of its sunsets, heavy fog, cloud formations, dunes, and wildlife. As a child, I experienced boundless, uncomplicated joy on north Atlantic coast beaches. Now, these landscapes are felt with a poignancy - competing sensations of awe and trepidation.

Climate science tells us the sea level is rising, causing erosion, inundation, and risks to wildlife and infrastructure. The oceans acidity is increasing, as are wildfires, floods, insect outbreaks, and wide-spread tree die-off. Our seas are full of plastics. We are not only witnessing impactful changes, but the speed of these changes increases with each passing year.

Beautiful World is a monotype series inspired by the Northwest seashore. While making the prints, I was assailed by a longing to experience this landscape as I had as a child, to feel, once more, that pure thrill. The series reflects upon the inescapable realities of our environment – flux, change, collapse, rejuvenation - and our complicated human impact.

Most of the prints were hand-pulled with a pin press, a method that delivers less pressure than a traditional etching press, and allows for a graininess in the final images. For me, this provides a nostalgic quality, much like looking at old photographs. The ink used is toned with ash.

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